Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hear the voice of your conscience

Thought: Conscience is God's built-in warning system. Be very happy when it hurts you. Be very worried when it doesn't.

Biblical text: "So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man." (Acts 24:16)

These lines from Dr. Arnot give an interesting description of a person's conscience: "A person may be saved from death by seeing the reflection of danger in a mirror, when the danger itself could not be directly seen. The executioner with his/her weapon is stealthily approaching through a corridor of the castle to the spot where the devoted invalid reclines. In their musings, the captive has turned their vacant eye towards a mirror on the wall; and the faithful witness reveals the impending stroke in time to secure the escape of the victim. It is thus that the mirror in a person's breast has become in a sense the person?s saviour, by revealing the wrath to come before its coming. Happy they who take the warning, happy they who turn and live!"

It has been said that person's conscience was given to him/her after the Fall in the Garden of Eden. Person's desire to know good and evil had been granted. But God, in His mercy, gave people a means of telling good from evil. That mechanism, which He placed in our heart, was the conscience.

Don't ignore the promptings of your conscience or let your conscience become calloused. It's more than a sixth sense. It's beacon whose homing signal is Heaven.

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