Monday, June 25, 2007

Use time wisely

Thought: The greatest possession you have is the 24 hours directly in front of you.

Biblical text: "I thought in my heart, 'God will bring to judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time for every deed.'" (Ecclesiastes 3:17 NIV)

Dr. C C Albertson once wrote this about the use of time: "It might be wise for us to take a little inventory of our resources as to time and review our habits of using it. There are 168 hours in each week. Fifty-six of these we spend in sleep. Of the remaining 112 hours, we devote 40 to labor. This leaves 64 hours, of which let us assign 12 hours for our daily meals...

"We have left 52 hours, net, of conscious active life to devote to any purpose to which we are inclined."

Is it too much to say that God requires a tithe of this free time? One tenth of 52 hours is 5.2 hours. How much of this tithe of time do we devote to strictly religious uses?"

If one allowed an hour for church and an hour for a Bible study or prayer meeting each week, that person would still have 192 minutes a week - enough for nearly a half hour each day in prayer and Bible reading. Such a person would still have more than 45 hours a week for life's chores and personal fun!

The old excuse, "I have too little time," doesn't fly. What is more likely the case is this: too little planning of the time we have!

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